Internal mobility
We are convinced that internal mobility opportunities are a source of professional fulfillment. This is why Metrologic Group encourages the internal mobility paths of its employees.
Some examples of careers
A simplified mobility process
Internal publication of our offers
When a recruitment is launched, our positions are offered internally to allow each employee to position themselves.
Collection of applications
We leave a set time to collect applications and analyze them.
Meeting of HR/Manager candidates
We are committed to giving every application a chance. For this, the HR Department and the Manager meet all candidates for an interview.
HR/Manager Debrief
After all the interviews, the HR department and the Manager take stock to select the candidate who will be selected.
Candidate return
We are committed to providing transparent individual feedback to each candidate following this desire for internal mobility.
Probationary period
This period must allow each party to assess the position and the expected skills. If at the end of this period, one of the two parties is not convinced, then the employee automatically returns to his former position.